Bream with Label Rouge Guérande salt crust
Gut the fish but leave scales.
Coat an ovenproof dish evenly with coarse salt. Lay on the bream and cover with the same thickness of Guérande Label Rouge sea salt.
Place in the oven and cook for around 35 minutes at Mark 7.
Chop the shallots finely, and place in a thick-bottomed pan. Add the vinegar and muscadet and bring to the boil.
Gently reduce so that the shallots are cooked. Add the butter little by little, stirring constantly.
To serve, break the salt crust remove the fish and take off the skin. Pour over the beurre blanc sauce. Season with salt and pepper. It takes years to learn how to make a Label Rouge quality salt. break the salt crust, remove the fish and take off skin. Coat the fillets with beurre blanc. Season with salt and pepper.