Label Rouge
Label Rouge, a sure sign of superior quality
Superior taste
Label Rouge is awarded to products with a taste quality superior to that of other similar products.
Products are subject to assessment of sensory criteria by a consumer panel and product experts, in trials set up by independent, accredited laboratories.
An official guarantee
The Standard for a Label Rouge product is submitted by a management organisation (ODG) for consideration by the National Institute for Quality and Origin (INAO), the only body qualified to recommend official approval, which is published by decree by the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries (Article L.641-4 of the Rural Code).
Download the applicant's guide" (only available in french)
Commitment to consistent quality
Label Rouge is not awarded on a permanent basis: maintenance of a significant quality difference is continuously assessed through audits and external analyses.
Compliance with the criteria defined in the Standard is verified by an independent certification body which must be approved by the public authorities and accredited by COFRAC.
Full certified traceability
As well as demonstrating full compliance with health and safety regulations, products must meet quality requirements and conditions for harvest, catch method, rearing, production, processing and distribution.
Every step in the production and distribution chain is implicated and controlled; traceability is required throughout.
Label Rouge is the only official quality mark which demands specific taste qualities.